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Homemade Healthy Mouthwash
They say that “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”. When it comes to looking for healthy
The Next Diet Trend
The Next Diet Trend It seems that there’s a new diet trend every year. We’re
Uses for Colloidal Silver
I was recently diagnosed with a Staphylococcus infection in my eye. Prior to seeing a doctor,
Is Marijuana Safe for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers?
The majority of people and doctors would probably agree that the most important time in a
Static Magnetic Therapy
Is static magnetic therapy a viable option for those seeking a more holistic health experience? Numerous studies
Is Earthing the Cure All?
Have you ever tried Earthing, also known as Grounding? Or, are you just looking at that last
Does America have a Drug Problem?
Studies in recent years have indicated that Americans are consuming more prescription drugs than most other first
Health Benefits of Far Infrared Radiation
As consumers we’re seeing more and more sales literature promoting the health benefits of Far Infrared Radiation
Benefits of Ginseng
You probably already know that for millennia, ginseng has been revered throughout Asia for its many