As consumers we’re seeing more and more sales literature promoting the health benefits of Far Infrared Radiation (FIR). These devices start at less than $100 for small low power hand held units. At the other end of the spectrum, are the large wooden closet sized saunas which can cost several thousand dollars and require a bit of real estate. If you don’t want to make the investment or if you don’t have the space, there’s a probably a spa near you that offers this service for about the same per minute cost as a nice massage.
So what are the health benefits of Far Infrared Radiation? Sellers of these units and those offering them as a spa treatment, will typically list several benefits. Dr. Amy Myers, author of the book, “The Autoimmune Solution”, lists the following six benefits:
- Detoxification
- Relaxation
- Pain Relief
- Weight Loss
- Improved Circulation
- Skin Purification
Researchers of this technology also report that the health benefits of Far Infrared Radiation include:
- Increases in microcirculation
- Increased blood flow to the skin
- Faster healing of wounds
- Increased collagen content in the skin
- Anti-inflammatory benefits for those with arthritis
- Effective medical treatment for some cancer cells
- Promotes cell repair during post exposure period
- Reductions of symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage
One study, which consisted of 20 minute treatments, 3 times a week, over a 3 month span, reported that:
“Physical health, general health, social functioning indices, and visual analogue scales (VAS) measurements for stress and fatigue all improved in the treatment group. A study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis showed a reduction in pain, stiffness, and fatigue during infrared sauna therapy.”
If you’re thinking of incorporating Far Infrared Radiation therapy into your health routine, you may want to start small by using a FIR light or sauna at a local spa or chiropractor’s office. Dr. Myers recommends starting small, with just a few minutes of therapy and then working your way towards longer durations.
If you’ve tried this therapy, we love to know how it worked for you. Please comment below.
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