Are you looking for weed killer that won’t kill you or cause decades of environmental fallout?  Commercially available products, such as those containing Glyphosate, have been classified by the World Health Organization as “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans”.  A 2015 study states, “There is strong evidence that exposure to glyphosate or glyphosate-based formulations is genotoxic based on studies in humans in vitro and studies in experimental animals.”

Given the body of evidence regarding the risks, why do people continue to buy and use these products?  The simple answer is that Glyphosate is a very effective weed killer.  It works quickly and the weeds usually stay dead for several weeks.   It’s also fairly inexpensive as lawn treatment products go.

But, why do humans continue to buy and use products that they know are unhealthy?  The same reason we continue to eat junk food.  The immediate risk just isn’t high enough to surpass the average person’s risk threshold.  We tend to ignore long term risks, often thinking that if we’re ok in the short term, then we’re ok.  Or, we think it just won’t happen to us.

Whether we’re talking about a chemical herbicide weed killer or deep fried donuts, it’s the on going exposure that creates the risk.  And, in the case of weed killer, we don’t even have to buy it or use it ourselves to suffer exposure.

Here are a few staggering points of reference regarding pervasiveness and exposure, listed by Baum Hedlund Aristi Goldman Trial Lawyers:

The use of Glyphosate Weed Killer has risen over 2,000% in the past 20 years.
A US study showed that 60% to 100% of air and rainwater samples contained Glyphosate.
A Canadian study indicated that Glyphosate was in the majority of agricultural streams.

Last year, while undergoing a wide range of tests hoping to pinpoint the root cause of my autoimmune disorders, it was revealed that my body contains high level of Glyphosate.  Even though I do not use products which contain this chemical and even though my diet is mostly organic, Glyphosate is still coursing through my veins.  And, if it’s in me, given my healthy lifestyle, it’s likely in you too.

Aside from looking for the most organic food sources you can find, the other obvious way to reduce your expose, is to simply not buy or use weed killers which contain Glyphosate.  Luckily, easy-to-make low-cost homemade options work just as well, without the risk.

The ingredients for homemade weed killer are available at your local grocery store.  I mix everything in  a small pump up sprayer I bought from the hardware store.  In my experience, the exact ratios are not important.  Indeed, I have never measured anything.  I just roughly 1/2 cup salt and 3 tablespoons liquid dish soap in a 1.5 liter pump up garden sprayer.  I then add about 1.5 liters of 5% acetic acid vinegar.

The soap helps the salt and vinegar solution stick to the weeds. The mixture will dry out the weeds within a couple of days.  It’s best to apply on a dry sunny day so that the sun can help along the drying process.  If rain is in the forecast, it’s best to wait until you have clear blue skies.

Weed Killer Salt

1/4 to 1/2 Cup

Weed Killer Glyphosate

2 to 3 Tablespoons

Weed Killer Vinegar

About 1.5 Liters

Weed Killer Pump Garden Sprayer

Fill to 1.5 Liters

After mixing the ingredients, it is best to allow the salt to dissolve for awhile.  I usually allow the mixture to sit overnight prior to use.  I then mix the ingredients by lightly shaking the sprayer before pumping and applying the weed killer.

For about the same cost of buying a 2 gallon jug of commercial Glyphosate weed killer, using the above ingredients and ratios, you will be able to fill the pump sprayer 8 to 10 or more times.  You’ll be saving money and potentially reducing your exposure to cancer causing weed killer products.

Do you have a recipe for non-toxic weed killer?

Please share your experiences below, in the comments section.


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