In “How to End the Autism Epidemic”, J. B. Handley comprehensively lays out the history, ingredients, science, testing (or lack of testing), injuries, and the media campaigns behind what may be the greatest health crisis the world has ever seen. Handley leaves out nothing and leaves readers with no doubts about the cause of and the solution to the growing number of children being diagnosed with Autism.
“How to End the Autism Epidemic” is written in plain English, so that any adult can understand the science without having an advanced science degree. Stated differently, this book is written for the public, so that the average everyday person can make sense out of what has become a very complicated issue. Of course the science is there too. Handley includes all the relative studies so that parents and medical practitioners alike can verify the data for themselves.
If you have read other books about vaccines or seen documentaries such as “Vaxxed”, you’ll enjoy “How to End the Autism Epidemic” even more. This book seems to be the first to put everything together in one place, without any missing pieces.
This book is recommended for all parents, grandparents, teachers, nurses, doctors, school administrators, politicians, and anyone else interested in the safety and well being of children.
“How to End the Autism Epidemic” is available in paperback and for Kindle from Amazon and the audio version is available from Audible.
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